Saturday, October 13, 2012

Read - A - Thon

Dewy's 24 Hour READ-A-THON is among us! This being my first year I am very excited, and can't wait to see what i'll end up reading!

Introductory Questionnaire: 

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
    I will be reading from Massachusetts located in the US.

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?

    Definitely Gabrielle Zevin's, All These Things I've Done (Birthright #1)  

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
    Cheddar Cheese Pringles :)

4) Tell us a little something about yourself!

     My name is Max, I am 12, and I read books.

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?

     This is my first year!!! Wooo - Hooo I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone is reading and how they compare to other bloggers.

So Far, I'm really enjoying the Read - A - Thon!! I realized it's a great way to get out of a reading slump (*guilty*)

9 A.M. - 1 P.M.

Books Read:
Slide By: Jill Hathaway
Currently Reading:
Every Day By: David Levithan
Favorite Character: 
Maddie From Slide. I really loved the way she developed throughout the story. I also loved her weaknesses and the things she realized as the story progressed.
Approximately 3 hours
Favorite Snack:
Cheddar cheese Pringals. =)
Current Mood:

2 P.M. - 5 P.M.

So, i haven't done much reading. LIKE AT ALL. I put down Every Day By: David Levithan. I felt there was to much of a connection between Every Day and Slide so I really just got distracted and confused. I am now reading Please Ignore Vera Dietz By: A.S. King, Which I am very much enjoying. I'm roughly 50 pages through. 

6 P.M. - 10 P.M. 

Enjoying Please Ignore Vera Dietz only about 100 pages in, snacking A LOT. Also, I have been entering some mini contests including, Time Flies Challenge, The Six Word Story, and more. Have been checking out a few blogs including, Ticket To Anywhere, That READioactive book blog, Chasing Quills, Dead Book Darling, AND MANY MORE!! :D 


1) How are you doing? Sleepy? Are your eyes tired?
    Kind of disappointed, not reading much. But I'M KICKED WITH ARIZONA ICED TEA!

2) What have you finished reading?

    Slide By: Jill Hathaway. About Halfway Done with, Please Ignore Vera Dietz By: A.S. King

3) What is your favorite read so far?

     Probably Slide, But am much enjoying Please Ignore Vera Dietz (A bit depressing though)

4) What about your favorite snacks? 

     Enjoying my cheddar cheese Pringals....... But Fritos BBQ twists are starting to become obsessed with my mouth and stomach...

5) Have you found any new blogs from the read a thon?

     Yes! They are listed above, located in hours 6-10

11 P.M. - 2 A.M.

Still very much enjoying Please Ignore Vera Dietz but is getting a little to dull. I picked up An Abundance Of Katherines By: John Green to meet my humor criteria levels and keep me awake.  WARNING! I MIGHT CRASH SOON.

MORNING. (yes, I feel asleep. at about 2:30) 

WOW. Kind of disappointed. Only read about 1 2/3 of BOOKNESS. Had loads of fun though, definitely
participating in April. I HAVE A READING HANGOVER.

PAGES READ: roughly 330 D:
BOOKS: 1 2/3
TIME SPENT: only like 13 or 14.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great! Enjoy those cheddar cheese pringles.


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